Welcome to CegeSoma (State Archives)

Who are we? CegeSoma is the fourth operational direction of the State Archives and the Belgian centre of expertise for the history of 20th century conflicts. We conduct fundamental historical research, develop public history projects, conserve archives and documentation and are engaged in societal debate.


Resistance History Network

Resistance History Network

The Resistance History Network is a new network of academics. We want to pool the knowledge of basic historical research at Belgian academic institutions and universities. We also want to draw attention to all the research work that has already been done.



Stil verzet. De oorlogsjaren van August Vermeylen 1939-1945 (Silent Resistance: The war years of August Vermeylen 1939-1945)

Conference-debate in Dutch with guests Hans Vandevoorde and Koen Aerts, introduced by An Rydant.

August Vermeylen (1872-1945), an art historian, a man of letters and an author, was one of the leaders of the Flemish movement...Read more

10/10 2024
 Illustrations : Collection CegeSoma/State Archives, rights reserved.

Launch of the “Resistance in Belgium” national platform

We had to close registration for the launch of the national 'Resistance in Belgium' platform. In the coming months, a new presentation session will be organized when the online platform is extended to 'underground press status...Read more

21/10 2024