Team & expertise
Organisation and Staff
Responsibilities and Expertise of the Scientific staff per Domain
- Nico Wouters : Head of the Fourth Operational Directorate (Second World War (local administration and collaboration, policy of the lesser evil, persecution of Jews) and the role of states in history and commemorative policies)
- Michael Auwers : research (Belgian foreign policy, Cold War, First World War, diplomacy, democratisation) and support for the Journal of Belgian History
- Widukind De Ridder : BELCOWAR
- Gertjan Desmet : Archives management (military justice, Jewish populations in Belgium, private associations)
- Vincent Genin : BEMULTILAT
- Chantal Kesteloot : Public history (history of Brussels, war memories, nationalism and identity)
- Dirk Luyten : Research (legal history, socio-economic history, social policy)
- Fabrice Maerten : Valorisation of the collections (resistance, Catholic world, Second World War, Hainaut, daily life)
- Isabelle Ponteville : Communication & events
- Dimitri Roden : People@War
Domain and Tasks
- Archives: Gertjan Desmet, Fabrice Maerten (+ Volunteers : Roland Baumann, Dora Beullens, Bernard Burton, Marie-Hélène Calicis, Hedwig Degelaen, Emile Dejehansart, Yves Delvaux, Marc De Win, Jonathan D'Haese, Paula Fraunbaum, Antonia Heidrich, Nora Kaltenböck, Luc Ketels, Francis Lambrechts, Dirk Martin, Yvette Martin, Cecilia Melaerts-Saerens, Pierre Mortier, Alexandre Stroinovsky, Jacques Sweers, Nico Theunissen)
- Library: Michael Auwers, Hilde Keppens, Kathleen Vandenberghe
- Audio-visual archives: Gertjan Desmet, Anne Chardonnens, Somaya Bounekoub, Isabelle Sampieri
- Public history: Chantal Kesteloot
- Reading Room: Somaya Bounekoub, Hilde Keppens, Kathleen Vandenberghe
- Digitalization: Anne Chardonnens, Artyom Lyapounov, Somaya Bounekoub
- Communication & Events : Isabelle Ponteville
- Journal of Belgian History: Nico Wouters, Dirk Luyten, Hilde Keppens, Michael Auwers
Project Researchers
Support Services
- Secretariat: Karima Richa
- Maintenance: Fouzia Mahi