The non-profit organization 'Friends of CegeSoma'
In 1991, the Scientific Committee of the Centre for Research and Studies on the History of the Second World War decided to create a non-profit-organisation, the “Friends of the Centre for Research and Studies on the History of the Second World War”. The organisation has now more than 150 members. In 1997, to conform to the new name of the Centre, it changed its name to “The Friends of Cegesoma”. The current version of the statutes was published in March 2016 in the Belgisch Staatsblad/Moniteur Belge.
The main goal of the association is to promote the activities of CegeSoma in a general sense, and notably :
- to bring together people and organizations interested in the assignments of CegeSoma;
- to promote the interest in CegeSoma in particular, and the interest for the history of 20th century wars and conflict in general;
- to establish contact with similar associations in Belgium and abroad;
- to help CegeSoma in the execution of its mission.
The association presents to its members yearly activities related to the themes of CegeSoma : book presentations, conferences, visits to exhibitions,...
Do you want to support the activities of CegeSoma ? Become a member of the association
Please send a message to asbl-vzw.cegesoma@arch.be and you will receive an answer further explaining the procedure.
For your information :
The yearly contribution is 15 euros, to be transferred to bank account n° 000-1491037-50.
Members of the association can enjoy the following benefits :
- invitations for the seminars and other activities of CegeSoma (on a voluntary basis);
- a 30% discount to all publications of CegeSoma.