The Union of Intelligence and Action Services
- Access: The fonds of the Union of Intelligence and Action Services (Union des Services de Renseignement et d’Action – USRA) can be freely accessed during the opening hours of the reading room. Reservation.
- Reproduction: The content of the fonds may be freely reproduced in the reading room. Practical information for requesting a reproduction by CegeSoma personnel can be found here.
- Finding aids: Inventory AA1137.
Fonds description :
Intelligence and Action Services in the region of Liège: Réseau Zéro, Service D and Groupe G
The fonds AA1137 contains records of members from various networks who have requested their admission to the Liège section of USRA and have provided information sheets for this purpose.
The Union of Intelligence and Action Services (Union des Services de Renseignement et d’Action – URSA) was founded on 1 December 1945. Structure: national level and provinces level. Objectives:
- Maintaining the spirit of union and the patriotic ideals that inspired their actions during the war.
- Forming a social force able to promote, direct and coordinate all initiatives regarding the moral and material interests of the agents and auxiliaries of the intelligence and action services, and to represent them before the authorities.
- Forming a moral force whose voice is heard in case the superior interests of the country are at stake, while refraining from any interference in political struggles among parties, and philosophical and linguistic issues.
For more information :
- Balace, Francis. "Aspects de la résistance en province de Liège". In La mémoire. Liège : Province de Liège, 1994, p. 75-101.
- Dujardin, Jean. "Le Service « D » et l’aide aux illégaux". In Cahiers d’Histoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, n°3, octobre 1974, p. 9-47.
- Beeken, A.L.A. Message pour Philomène. Bruxelles: Editions du Métro, 1948.
- Ugeux, William. Le ‘Groupe G’ (1942-1944). Deux héros de la résistance : Jean Burgers et Robert Leclercq. Paris/Bruxelles : Elsevier Sequoia, 1978.
- Masson, Henri. Service de renseignement et d'action dans la région liégeoise : Réseau Zéro, Service D et Groupe G. Bruxelles : CREHSGM, 1996 (inventaire).
- Van Crombrugge, Yaëlle. Les espions Zéro dans l’ombre du pouvoir 1940-1944. Bruxelles : Racine, 2013.
- Debruyne, Emmanue. La guerre secrète des espions belges 1940-1944. Bruxelles : Racine, 2008.