Afternoon of reflection in Nijmegen about the Central Archives for Special Jurisdiction

On Feb. 7, our former colleague Dr. Jan Julia Zurné, now a lecturer at...Read more

Inventory operation at CegeSoma March 24-28, 2025

During the last week of March, CegeSoma staff will carry out a general and...Read more

Copyrights, Maciek Jazwiecki, EHRI

EHRI Becomes an ERIC to Secure the Future of Holocaust Research

The 26th January 2025, on the eve of the commemoration of the 80th...Read more

Fête champêtre au Kruisberg. Vue de la tribune d'honneur. De gauche à droite : le secrétaire-général De Winter, M.G. Dalle, chef général de la Garde-Rurale, M.H.M. Meeuwissen, chef de la CNAA, M. Melis, président de l'Aide Paysanne aux Enfants des Villes, Copyright CegeSoma/Archives de l'Etat.

Belgium WWII: local resistance, the Battle of the Bulge and the administration of occupied Belgium

Resistance at the local level

Thanks to the...Read more

The SADO Photographic Archive: A Magnificent Addition to CegeSoma's Collections!

A few weeks ago, the archives of the Brussels-based photo press agency SADO...Read more

Brussels toponymy, past and future

On 14 November, a study day at CegeSoma brought together some fifteen...Read more

New inventory! CegeSoma's 'Diaries and Manuscripts' Collection.

New inventory! CegeSoma's 'Diaries and Manuscripts' Collection.

The history of the 'Diaries and Manuscripts' Collection dates back to the...Read more

JBH : new publication (2024/3-4). Cold War theme issue.

JBH : new publication (2024/3-4)

The new double issue (No. 3-4) of the Journal of Belgian History is a...Read more

Inventory : The archives of journalist Alain de Prelle de la Nieppe

A new inventory! The archives of journalist Alain de Prelle de la Nieppe.

Some time ago, we reported that the archives of the reporter Alain de Prelle...Read more

Belgian State Security Archives (AA1333)

To consult files from the Begian State Security archives on the agents of...Read more

Inventory of the archives of the Public Prosecutor's Office attached to the Military Court

Inventory of the archives of the Public Prosecutor's Office attached to the Military Court

The archives of the General Instructions Department (Service des...Read more

Heritages of Hunger

‘Heritages of Hunger’

Wars and occupation are not infrequently accompanied by hunger and...Read more
