Debate evening (ADVN): "No Flanders without Germany?"
WT - reading forum

A number of publications about the German “Flamenpolitik” during the First World War (see below) were published recently by historian Sebastian Bischoff (University of Paderborn), Jakob Müller (Free University of Berlin) and Bruno Yammine (KULeuven). These works take up the important debate about the emergence and origins of Flemish nationalism.
Authors Jakob Müller and Bruno Yammine discuss the new conclusions drawn from their research in a debate with Bruno De Wever (UGent) and Antoon Vrints (UGent) (hosts). The debate shall take place at ADVN in Antwerp on 21 March at 7.00 pm.
This debate evening is organised by Wetenschappelijke Tijdingen (Journal about the history of the Flemish movement) and ADVN, in collaboration with CegeSoma.
References of the new publications:
- Jakob Müller, Die importierte Nation. Deutschland und die Entstehung des flämischen Nationalismus 1914 bis 1945, Cologne and Vienna, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht-Verlage, 2020, 361 p.
- Sebastian Bischoff, Kriegsziel Belgien: Annexionsdebatten und nationale Feindbilder in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit, 1914-1918, Historische Belgienforschung 4, Munster, Waxmann, 2018, 330 p.
- Bruno Yammine, Fake news in oorlogstijd: Duitse mediamanipulatie en de Flamenpolitik (1914-1915), Leuven, Leuven University Press, 2021, 392 p.