Event Borms, a family between collaboration and resistance. Conference-debate (in French) with guest Anne Duchaine. A talk led by Aline Cordonnier...
Event The Royal Military Museum: a lively place for history Conference-debate in Dutch with guest Wannes Devos. A talk led by Bruno De Wever. ...
Event Mechelen 1940-1945. Biografie van een stad in oorlog. Conference (in Dutch) with guests An Rydant and Geert Clerbout. An interview led by Widukind De...
Event Snitching, Denunciation, Collaboration: How and Why Citizens Choose to Support Dictators The rise of Vladimir Putin has brought about a chilling revival of Soviet-...
Event War after war: The Belgian occupation of the left bank of the Rhine (1918-1930). Conference-debate (in French) with guest Anne Godfroid. A talk led by Sophie de Schaepdrijver...
Event International Chair for the History of the Second World War 2024-2025 For its twelfth edition, the International Chair for the History of the...
Event Launch of the “Resistance in Belgium” national platform We had to close registration for the launch of the national 'Resistance in...
Event Stil verzet. De oorlogsjaren van August Vermeylen 1939-1945 (Silent Resistance: The war years of August Vermeylen 1939-1945) Conference-debate in Dutch with guests Hans Vandevoorde and Koen Aerts, introduced by An Rydant...
Event Het verzet in Antwerpen (The Resistance in Antwerp) A conference (in Dutch) with guests Nico Wouters and Nel de Mûelenaere, moderated by Jan Naert...
Event Young Historian's Day (Promotions of 2019-2023) Below you will find the abstracts of the different papers. If you are...
Event September 1944: Belgium is liberated. What next ? After the liberation of Belgium in early September 1944, the country had to...
Event Changing Perspectives on Resistance during the Second World War From 18 to 20 September 2024 , the Department of History of the University...
Event World War II in podcasts Conference-debate (in French) with guests Romane Carmon, Perrine Sokal and Constance Hautier...
Event De afrekening. Geweld tegen collaborateurs in Antwerpen, 1918 en 1944-1945. Conference-debate (in Dutch) with guest Antoon Vrints. Interview by Bruno De Wever...
Event Ces Dames de Ravensbrück. Contribution au mémorial belge des femmes déportées à Ravensbrück, 1939-1945 Conference-debate (in French) with guest Claire Pahaut Conducted by Pierre-Alain Tallier ...
Event La Wallonie entre Noirs et Rouges. Un autre regard sur les tensions politiques de l'entre-deux-guerres. Conference-debate (in French) with guest Alain Colignon, co-author with Mélanie Bost of the book...