Publication Cent ans – et plus – d’ouvrages historiques sur la Première Guerre mondiale en Belgique Beyond anniversaries and fashions, the First World War continues to intrigue...
Publication Bruxelles ville occupée 1914-1918 (Brussels, Occupied City 1914-1918) It is through the image that the authors of Bruxelles ville occupée 1914-...
Publication La Wallonie dans la Grande Guerre 1914-1918. The « Great War » from a different perspective Based on mostly unpublished...
Publication Journaux de Guerre 1914-1918 (France) Following the “Journaux de Guerre 1914-1918” (in French) and the “...
Publication Bruxelles, la mémoire et la guerre (1914-2014) Nobody of good Brussels stock will dispute this: the memory of the "Great...
Publication De overlevenden In this book, historians Antoon Vrints and Martin Schoups (Ghent University) investigate the...
Publication Albert & Elisabeth This publication presents a different and original view on the reign of King Albert and Queen...
Publication Nations, Identities and the First World War. This edited volume is based on the international ‘War and Fatherland’...
Publication 1918-2018. Quatre ans de guerre, cent ans d'impacts. November 1918. Finally, the guns fell silent. Yet, it was not possible to...
Event The Royal Military Museum: a lively place for history Conference-debate in Dutch with guest Wannes Devos. A talk led by Bruno De Wever. ...
Publication Rights, capabilities, and the making of citizens : Jewish immigrants in Israel Adina Babesh-Fruchter began conducting research...
Event War after war: The Belgian occupation of the left bank of the Rhine (1918-1930). Conference-debate (in French) with guest Anne Godfroid. A talk led by Sophie de Schaepdrijver...
Event Young historians have their say! On Thursday November 28 and Friday November 29, CegeSoma/State Archives is...