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World War I

Welcome to our Topics Page dedicated to First World War. Discover our projects, events and publications (type) about this period. You can carry out targeted research using keywords (tags). At the bottom of the page you find interesting links for further information.

Cent ans – et plus – d’ouvrages historiques sur la Première Guerre mondiale en Belgique

Cent ans – et plus – d’ouvrages historiques sur la Première Guerre mondiale en Belgique

Beyond anniversaries and fashions, the First World War continues to intrigue...

Bruxelles ville occupée, 1914-1918.

Bruxelles ville occupée 1914-1918 (Brussels, Occupied City 1914-1918)

It is through the image that the authors of Bruxelles ville occupée 1914-...

La Wallonie dans la Grande Guerre 1914 - 1918.

La Wallonie dans la Grande Guerre 1914-1918.

The « Great War » from a different perspective

Based on mostly unpublished...

Du café liégeois au soldat inconnu. La Belgique et la Grande Guerre.

Du café liégeois au soldat inconnu

A dive into a past that forever marked our history...

Journaux de Guerre 1914-1918 (France)

Journaux de Guerre 1914-1918 (France)

Following the “Journaux de Guerre 1914-1918” (in French) and the “...

Journaux de Guerre 1914-1918 (Belgique)

Journaux de Guerre 1914-1918 (Belgique)

A long-term project

After the success of "...

Bruxelles, la mémoire et la guerre (1914-2014)

Bruxelles, la mémoire et la guerre (1914-2014)

Nobody of good Brussels stock will dispute this: the memory of the "Great...

De overlevenden. De Belgische Oud-strijders tijdens het interbellum.

De overlevenden

In this book, historians Antoon Vrints and Martin Schoups (Ghent University) investigate the...


Albert & Elisabeth

This publication presents a different and original view on the reign of King Albert and Queen...

Nations, Identities and the First World War. Shifting Loyalties to the Fatherland.

Nations, Identities and the First World War.

This edited volume is based on the international ‘War and Fatherland’...

1918-2018. Quatre ans de guerre, cent ans d'impacts. (Le Vif - Hors-série).

1918-2018. Quatre ans de guerre, cent ans d'impacts.

November 1918. Finally, the guns fell silent. Yet, it was not possible to...

German Hall or Trophy Room, second half of the 1930s (© WHI)

The Royal Military Museum: a lively place for history

Conference-debate in Dutch with guest Wannes Devos. A talk led by Bruno De Wever.



Rights, capabilities, and the making of citizens : Jewish immigrants in Israel

Adina Babesh-Fruchter began conducting research...


War after war: The Belgian occupation of the left bank of the Rhine (1918-1930).

Conference-debate (in French) with guest Anne Godfroid. A talk led by Sophie de Schaepdrijver...

Young historians have their say!

On Thursday November 28 and Friday November 29, CegeSoma/State Archives is...


Young Historian's Day (Promotions of 2019-2024)

Below you will find the abstracts of the different papers. If you are...


The first JBH of 2024 has just been published.

It contains four separate contributions. Firstly, Dorien Styven and Veerle...


Pathways to Empire? Belgian Global Expansion 1830 - 1930

On September 11-13, 2024, KU Leuven and CegeSoma/State Archives of Belgium...

La Wallonie entre Noirs et Rouges. Un autre regard sur les tensions politiques de l'entre-deux-guerres. (Wallonië tussen Zwart en Rood. Een andere kijk op de politieke spanningen tijdens het interbellum).

La Wallonie entre Noirs et Rouges. Un autre regard sur les tensions politiques de l'entre-deux-guerres.

Conference-debate (in French) with guest Alain Colignon, co-author with Mélanie Bost of the book...
Contemporary History Day 2024

On the margins of history. Current research, debates, challenges.

Registration for Contemporary History Day 2024 now open ! After Eupen two...


Scènes de Crimes. La photographie policière, témoin de l'enquête judiciaire. (Crime Scenes Police photography, a witness to the judicial investigation)

Conference-debate (in French) with guests, Laurence Druez, Xavier Rousseaux and Police Commissioner...

Hoeders van de Staat. Burgemeesters in bezet en bevrijd België en Noord-Frankrijk (1914-1921). (Guardians of the State. Mayors in occupied and liberated Belgium and northern France (1914-1921)).

Conference (in Dutch) with as guests Jan Naert, Sophie De Schaepdrijver and Luc Vandeweyer. A...

Ordinary anti-Semitism. Investigating police practices in Cureghem.

Conference-debate (in French) with guest Yasmina Zian Interview by Bruno Benvindo

Before the...

Negotiating Table of the Locarno Treaties. Ticino Italy France Switzerland Germany United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Belgium Locarno, 1925. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified, -10-05] Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2021670573/.


This project lies at the crossroads of fundamental research into the history...


German secret police and intelligence services in Belgium

On Monday 22 May from 5 pm to 7 pm, the BISC (Belgian Intelligence Studies...


The failed coup of Belgian diplomacy.

The Failed Coup of Belgian Diplomacy challenges conventional ideas about...

Illustration: Werner Hilgemann, Atlas zur Deutschen Zeitgeschichte 1918-1968, München Zürich, Piper, 1984, p. 144.

Ukraine : Clash of nationalisms during two world wars

Conference-debate (in French) with Alain Colignon (CegeSoma/State Archives) as guest speaker A...
Picture : German officers conversing with women and child in rail yard (Kyiv, 1918), De Golyer Library, Southern Methodist University


The aim of this conference is to understand the different forms taken by the...


Which future for the Journal of Belgian History?

In spring 2012 was published the first issue of the new Journal of Belgian...


Debate evening (ADVN): "No Flanders without Germany?"

A number of publications about the German “Flamenpolitik” during the First...


The First World War in the Journal of Belgian History (JBH)

Over the past few decades, dozens of articles on the First World War have...

Walloon Federalism or Belgian Nationalism ? The Walloon Movement at the End of the First World War.

Walloon Federalism or Belgian Nationalism ?

A long-ignored history

Much has been written...

En territoire ennemi 1914-1949. Expériences d’occupation, transferts, héritages.

En territoire ennemi 1914-1949.

Periods of commemoration often offer opportunities in the editorial field....

Tweehonderd jaar justitie. Historische encyclopedie van de Belgische justitie / Deux siècles de justice. Encyclopédie historique de la justice belge

Tweehonderd jaar justitie. Historische encyclopedie van de Belgische justitie / Deux siècles de justice. Encyclopédie historique de la justice belge

At the time of the Dutroux affair, an easy slogan was that Belgian justice...


Experiencing 11 November 2018: Commemoration and the First World War Centenary.

In a resolutely international and interdisciplinary perspective, researchers...


Join us online for the launch of the book 'Experiencing 11 November 2018: Commemoration and the First World War Centenary' (Routledge)


Photography: Kathleen Vinck

11 November Lecture 2020

Ypres City of Peace, the Flemish Peace Institute and the In Flanders...


Inventory of the Jacques Wynants archives published!

Notwithstanding the vicissitudes of life, scores of human beings show a...

Memorial Traces of the Great War in Liège and Antwerp

MEMEX (2014-2018)

The First World War, with its incredible violence and its unexpected...

Revue théâtre des Galeries à Bruxelles, 1943, Collection Spronk : photo d'Otto Kropf, photographe officiel de la propagande allemande, photo n°100034 © CegeSoma/Archives de l'Etat.

Cultures of Spectacle in German-occupied Belgium.

Prior to the confinement, a workshop was held on 12 and 13 March at CegeSoma...

Exhibition 'Brussels, November 1918. From War to Peace?'

Brussels, November 1918.

De overlevenden: de oorlog van de Belgische oud-strijders tijdens het interbellum. Rencontre d'Histoire publique du CegeSoma (2019 - 1)

De overlevenden: de oorlog van de Belgische oud-strijders tijdens het interbellum

Pour débuter l'année 2019, le CegeSoma a lancé une nouvelle initiative : les...

Sources pour l'histoire des populations juives et du judaïsme en Belgique. XIXe - XXIe siècles.

Sources pour l'histoire des populations juives et du judaïsme en Belgique

Scattered sources on the history of the Jews of Belgium .......

The impact of the first World War in a colonial context. Public History Encounter of the CegeSoma (2019 - 2).

The impact of the first World War in a colonial context

With the end of the commemorations of the First World War, we can make one...

Historikerdialog, Leuven, 11.10.2012


The Historikerdialoge were a series of lectures and debates that took place...


Democratie in crisis

Laurence Petrone investigated the democratic resilience of states on the...

Enfants du ghetto. Juifs révolutionnaires en Belgique (1925-1940).

Enfants du ghetto

Rudi Van Doorslaer relates, in this book, the itinerary of Jewish communist...


Justice in Wartime and Revolutions. Europe, 1795-1950

Revolutions, wars and their settlement put pressure on legal systems....

Ressources et usages des archives de la justice militaire

Ressources et usages des archives de la justice militaire (Resources and Uses of Military Justice Archives)

Military jurisdictions in peacetime were abolished in Belgium in January...


Warfare & Welfare.

Wars are moments of acceleration in the development of social policy. After...

War in short pants, 14-18.

War in Short Pants, 14-18

The exhibition "War in Short Pants, 14-18" is the fruit of a collaboration between CegeSoma and...

Oorlog in korte broek, 14-18. (War in Short Pants).

Oorlog in korte broek, 14-18.

The catalogue accompanying the exhibition “War in Short Pants, 14-18” recounts the fate of...