Forced workers (1940-1945)
1. The main archival fonds kept at CegeSoma and at the State Archives:
- At CegeSoma you will find various documents on forced workers during the Second World War via Pallas, enabling you to consult personal files. The inventory of the survey on forced workers will also be very useful: "Archief Nationaal Verbond der Weggevoerden en Werkweigeraars, 1950-2004".
- For more personal files, the best is to direct you to the Service for War Victims which is part of the 3rd Operational Direction Brussels of the State Archives. Located in the same building as CegeSoma, the Service for War Victims has the task of collecting documentation on persons who were pursued by the occupier in order to grant them a "national recognition status", a pension or an annuity. In addition, it also holds general archives on compulsory and voluntary labor, resistance, persecution of Jews and gypsies, as well as repatriations and post-war processes.
3. Where can I find more information on the subject?
- Le travail obligatoire en Allemagne, 1942-1945, Actes du symposium tenu à Bruxelles les 6 et 7 octobre 1992, Bruxelles, CREHSGM, 1993.
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