Gerlinda Swillen
Gerlinda Swillen obtained a Phd in history at the VUB (Free University of Brussels) in 2016. She holds a university degree in Germanic Philology & "Aggregate HSO" ULB-VUB, Brussels (1964). She is an honorary teacher at the Flemish GO (Gemeenschapsonderwijs) (Flemish community education), a voluntary scientific collaborator at the VUB history department, associated researcher at the CegeSoma, member of the « Plate-forme RETOUR Enfants belges en Syrie et en Irak » auprès du Délégué général aux droits de l’enfant , spokeswoman of the international network of the associations of children born of war, BOW (Born Of War international network) from 2009 to 2013. She published many articles on feminism and socialism and contributed to radio and television programmes. Since 2008, she carries out research on war children in Belgium.
Publications on this subject : Koekoekskind Door de oorlog verwekt [1940-1945], Antwerpen/Amsterdam, 2009, 351 p.; De wieg van WO II – Oorlogskinderen op de as BrusselBerlijn, Brussel, 2016, 594 p.; 'Enfants sans alliance (1937-1952)' in : De Koster (Margo), Leuwers (Hervé), Luyten (Dirk), Rousseaux (Xavier) (Eds.), Justice in Wartime and Revolutions Europe 1795-1950 – Justice en temps de guerre et révolutions Europe, 1795-1950, Brussel, 2012, pp. 305-323; 'Krieg zeugt Familiengeheimnisse, Identitätsprobleme und fragwürdige KindElternverhältnisse der vom Zweiten Weltkrieg gezeugten Kriegkinder', in: Ruthard Stachowske (Hrsg.), Leben ist Begegnung - Systemische Therapie und Beratung, Kröning, 2016, pp.168-179; La valise oubliée. Enfants de guerre 1940-1945, Bruxelles, Fondation Auschwitz-Mémoire d’Auschwitz, 2018, 281 p. ; Der Zweite Weltkrieg ist unsere Wiege, Eupen, Grenz-Echo Verlag, 2019, 280 p.