Image & Data Processing in the Cultural Heritage Sector (ADOCHS Study Day)

On Tuesday 14 September 2021, the ADOCHS project (Auditing Digitalization Outputs in the Cultural Heritage Sector) organises an international study day on Image & Data Processing in the Cultural Heritage Sector. While morning presentations will shed light on the project results to improve quality of the files produced in the context of heritage digitisation, those of the afternoon will open the debate on the possible follow-up of this project and the evolution of our organisations in the light of artificial intelligence.
This study day will also be an opportunity to open a dialogue between researchers and professionals on experiences and achievements in professional environments close to our own.
Do you want to join us?
During the afternoon poster session, researchers and professionals from libraries, archives and museums are invited to present their ideas, reflections and projects to improve the digital valorisation of our heritage and documentary collections and interact with the audience. Under this link you will find all the information needed to submit your contribution (by 31 July 2021 at the latest).
The programme is avalable online and registration (fro free) starts now!