Media and cultural life in occupied Western Europe (1940-1945)

Press, radio, cinema, literature, theatre, spectacles… In German-occupied Europe, all of these sectors are under strict control of the national-socialist apparatus. Their fate is thus linked. However, current research rarely adresses them as a whole. The aim of this colloquium is to bring together researchers specialising in the study of media and cultural life under the occupation in an international approach. the focus shall lie on the cases of Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, whih will also allow us to compare these different systems of occupation, between military and civil administration, or pure and simple annexation.
This conference, to which we are pleased to invite you, will take place at CegeSoma on 7 and 8 November 2022 and will bring together specialists as well as early-career researchers. Presentations will be about 20 minutes long and held in English or in French, followed by a discussion at the end of each panel.
This symposium is sponsored by the Scientific Research Community 'Cultures of Spectacle' (FWO Research Foundation Flanders), in collaboration with the Study and Documentation Centre for War and Contemporary Society (CegeSoma), the Institute for Media Studies (KULeuven) and the Institut de Recherches Historiques du Septentrion (IRHiS, UMR 8529 - Université de Lille). The Research Foundation FWO is providing additional support.