Prisonniers politiques

The "Confédération nationale des prisonniers politiques" archives

  • Access et consultation : The collection is open during the opening hours of the reading room. Its content is freely available.
  • Reproduction :  The content of the collection can be freely reproduced in the reading room. For any reproduction request by the CegeSoma teams, practical information is available here.
  • Research tools : Inventory AA2048

Collection description :

Archives de la Confédération nationale des prisonniers politiques et ayants-droit CNPPA

CegeSoma has acquired the archives of the National Confederation of Political Prisoners and Rightsholders. They cover the period from the immediate post-war period (foundation of the CNPPA) to 2006. 50 meters in length, they provide information on various aspects of the lives of political prisoners and their post-war societal and political status. Some of the documents refer to the repression of resistance by German forces and the stay in the camps. The struggle for the societal interests of former political prisoners (legal status, social condition...) is particularly well documented. The archives provide a unique perspective on the functioning, action and strategy of a major post-war political lobby group, initially marked by the Cold War context.

Only a part of them has been inventoried.

For more information :

  • Christian Koninckx, Les prisonniers politiques et le dénouement de la Question royale : genèse de leur intervention (1949-1950), dans Radicalités, identités, patries : hommage au professeur Francis Balace (textes rassemblés par Alain Colignon, Catherine Lanneau et Philippe Raxhon), Ed. de l'Université de Liège, Liège, 2009.
  • Patrick Temmerman et Bert Boeckx, Résistance et déportation : première analyse statistique globale fondée sur l'étude du dossier "statut" des prisonniers politiques, une recherche menée dans le cadre de projet du Fonds de la Recherche fondamentale collective, Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes historiques de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Bruxelles, 1995