The archives of the Belgian government or of governing authorities in Belgium
1. The main archival fonds kept at CegeSoma and elsewhere :
The State Archives acquire and preserve (after selection) archives that are more than 30 years old. They ensure that the government archives are transferred in accordance with archival standards.
Besides the federal archives, Belgium has a large number of provincial and municipal archives. If you are looking for information at a lower administrative level, you can find it in these archives.
Most of the archives of the German occupation administration are located in France and Germany. CegeSoma holds copies of some of these archives. The remains of the archives of the "Militärbefehlshaber Belgien" were found by the French army in Marburg during the German retreat and are still kept today in the Archives de France in Paris as Fonds AJ 40.
A small part of the archives of the Belgian government in London, which functioned during the occupation, is in the CegeSoma repository.
2. Where to find additional information?
- DURANT Albert, Eaton Square, Le Sphynx, Bruxelles, 1947
- CROMBOIS Jean-François, Camille Gutt, les finances et la guerre, 1940-1945, CEGES-Quorum, Bruxelles-Gerpinnes, 1999.
- GROSBOIS Thierry, Pierlot 1930-1950, Racine, Bruxelles, 2007.
- CONWAY Martin et GOTOVITCH (Edited by), José, Europe in Exile : European Exile communities in Britain, 1940-1945, Berghahn/SOMACEGES, New-York/Oxford, 2001.
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