Archives of Albert Régibeau
- Access and consultation: The fonds Albert Régibeau can be accessed during the opening hours of the reading room. Its content is freely accessible. Reservation.
- Reproduction: The content of the fonds can be reproduced freely in our reading room. For any information about requests for a document reproduction carried out by CegeSoma staff can be found here.
- Research instruments: Inventory AA1452
Archive fonds description :
Albert Régibeau documents about political prisoners and the Confédération Nationale des Prisonniers politiques et des Ayants droit (CNPPA – National Confederation of Political Prisoners), and the Royal Question
The fonds Albert Régibeau contains records about the defense of the rights of political prisoners and their successors through private associations, commissions or organisations put in place by the authorities. It also holds documents about the inner workings of associations that defend the rights of former political prisoners and that uphold remembrance and heritage. The archives were handed over to CEGESOMA simply in chronological order where they were reorganised by topic.
Albert Régibeau was a trained jurist and fought in the Battle of Belgium. After the defeat of Belgium he resumed his work at the Bar of Liège. In 1941, he tried to get to the United Kingdom to enroll in the Belgian armed forces but was arrested in France. When he was released from prison a month later, he joined the Resistance, collaborated with clandestins journals Sambre et Meuse and Wallonie libre, and eventually joined the intelligence and action network Beaver-Baton. He was arrested in Liège in April 1942 and deported to Esterwegen and Dachau camps, which were liberated in May 1945. Afterwards, he founded the Union des Prisonniers politiques des Deux Guerres (U.P.P.2.G.), which was affiliated to the Confédération nationale des Prisonniers politiques et Ayants-droit (C.N.P.P.A.) in order to defend the rights of former political prisoners of war. Albert Régibeau was also actively involved in the creation of CEGESOMA.
For more information :
- Bernard Henri, La Résistance 1940-1945, Bruxelles : La Renaissance du Livre, 1969.
- Le livre d’or de la résistance en Belgique, Bruxelles : M.D.N., 1948.
- Tanham George K., Contribution à l'histoire de la résistance belge, 1940-1944, Bruxelles : Presses universitaires de Bruxelles, 1971.