Allied units and soldiers (1914-1918)
1. The main archival fonds kept at CegeSoma and at the National Archives of Belgium :
To find information on Belgian units and soldiers, please refer to the Belgian archives and go to the following search question : Where can I find information about Belgian soldiers and prisoners of war?
2. Where can I find archival fonds outside CegeSoma and the State Archives?
Information on British, American and French troops, including those stationed in Belgium, can be found in Great Britain, the United States or France.
- For Brilish and American troops, contact the British and American National Archives.
- For French troops, contact the Service Historique de la Défense.
3. Where to find additional information on the subject?
- COCHET François and PORTE Rémy, Histoire de l'armée française 1914-1918, Tallandier, Paris, 2017 .
- Hélène HARTER, Les Etats-Unis dans la Grande Guerre, Tallandier, Paris, 2017.
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