Vincent Scheltiens

Vincent Scheltiens (°1962) holds a doctorate in history from the University of Antwerp. His doctoral thesis deals with the construction of Flemish and Walloon identity through manifestations of alterity, a research at the crossroads of history, political science and linguistics. He publishes on nationalism and national identity construction, the history of the left and the contemporary history of Spain.
Before joining CegeSoma as a researcher in 2009 he worked for the associative sector in Brussels and Antwerp and was co-organizer of the literary event ‘Het Andere Boek’.
From December 2009 to November 2010 he led the international research project „Privacy and Historical Research“, focusing on police archives of former authoritarian states in Europe in the 20th century. From November 2015 to December 2016, he conducted research on the Jews of Brussels in 1930-1950.
He left CegeSoma on 31 December 2016.