Jean-François Crombois presents an in-depth biography of Camille Gutt, a man...
Les curateurs du ghetto
This work is the result of research led by a team of experts on World War II...
La Seconde Guerre mondiale, une étape dans l'histoire de l'enseignement
The war certainly affected education during the occupation. However, little...
Uit de lus van de strop
Marc Verschooris is a seasoned researcher (archives) and it’s not his first...
Cultures of Spectacle in German-occupied Belgium.
Prior to the confinement, a workshop was held on 12 and 13 March at CegeSoma...
Anniversary issue of the JBH on 75 years of the Second World War history
The new (double) issue of the Journal of Belgian History (JBH) was released...
Gurs, history and memory of the Spanish republican exile (1939)
The Marcel Liebman Institute and CegeSoma/State Archives are pleased to...
Study day on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of CegeSoma and the 75th anniversary of the Liberation
On December 10, 2019, 200 people attended the study day at the Senate on the...
Book launch: Gerlinda Swillen, 'Der Zweite Weltkrieg ist unsere Wiege - Eine ostbelgische Geschichte (mit Zeitzeugenberichten von Wehrmachts- und GI-Kriegskindern)'
Colloquium about the 75th anniversary of the Liberation and the 50th anniversary of CegeSoma
About the event ?
In 2019, we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the...
TRANSMEMO (2017-2020)
In September 2017, the federal research project TRANSMEMO was launched - a...
Guerre, famille et transmission
On Thursday 3 October 2019 we will co-organize a conference of the research project TRANSMEMO...
Attendre la lune de mai.
In April 1944, Albert Mélot, secret agent, member of the British Special...
Sources pour l'histoire des populations juives et du judaïsme en Belgique
Scattered sources on the history of the Jews of Belgium .......
L'histoire d'espoir de la résistante armée Sarah Goldberg
Pour sa quatrième Rencontre d'Histoire publique, le CegeSoma invitait avec...
Current challenges for a war museum?
Cette cinquième Rencontre d'Histoire publique du CegeSoma s'est déroulée en...