Fighting Hunger, Dealing with Shortage. Everyday Life under Occupation in World War II: A Source Edition

Shortage and hunger in occupied Europe

World War II and the resulting occupation by Nazi Germany are inextricably...


Les transmissions. La guerre en héritage. (TheTransmissions. The Legacy of War). ( 2020-2021)

In 2017 the research project ' Transmemo ' on...


Trains and the Holocaust. From a Symbol of Progress to a Genocidal Tool.

On 26 April 2022, Europalia organizes the conference " Trains and the...


Interférences : Radios, collaborations et répressions en Belgique (1939-1949)

Conference-debate (in French) with Céline Rase (UNamur) as guest speaker. A discussion led by Jean-...

Frantz Van Dorpe : a resistance member against liberal democracy.

Lecture and debate (in Dutch), guest speakers:...

The Holocaust in South-Eastern Europe: Historiography, Archives Resources and Remembrance

The Holocaust in South-Eastern Europe: Historiography, Archives Resources and Remembrance

For many decades, the Holocaust in South-Eastern Europe lacked the required...

En territoire ennemi 1914-1949. Expériences d’occupation, transferts, héritages.

En territoire ennemi 1914-1949.

Periods of commemoration often offer opportunities in the editorial field....

Tweehonderd jaar justitie. Historische encyclopedie van de Belgische justitie / Deux siècles de justice. Encyclopédie historique de la justice belge

Tweehonderd jaar justitie. Historische encyclopedie van de Belgische justitie / Deux siècles de justice. Encyclopédie historique de la justice belge

At the time of the Dutroux affair, an easy slogan was that Belgian justice...

Group of Belgians liberated from camp Vernet in July 1940.

De verdwenen boekenkast van Aloïs Goossens.

In May 1940, Flemish National Socialist agitator Aloïs Goossens was arrested...


National forgetting and memory : the destruction of 'national' monuments from a comparative perspective

Seventy-five years ago, on 16 March 1946, the Yser Tower was blown up by...


A new online publication on the activities of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) in Belgium

During the occupation, the Nazis carried out cultural looting: libraries and...


Het Schaduwleger. Van clandestiniteit naar herinnering. / L’Armée de l’ombre. De la clandestinité à la mémoire.

Commemorating in Pandemic Times

Originally, the...


A workshop on looted library materials in Belgium during the Second World War

On 14 June 2019, Dr Patricia Kennedy Grimsted (Harvard University) was...

Illustration : Les enfants de la collaboration © Cédric Deru – Zest Studio

Regards d'historiens (Historians' viewpoints)

Three years ago, Koen Aerts (who in the meantime became a member of CegeSoma...


First review of some ongoing research projects at CegeSoma (2020)

On Monday October 19th, a number of scientists from the permanent team as...


Inventory of the Jacques Wynants archives published!

Notwithstanding the vicissitudes of life, scores of human beings show a...
