Born in Schaerbeek on 30 November 1916 in a modest home, Andrée De Jongh, an...
Women in the Colony (2008-2011)
The aim of the project "Women in the Colony" which was carried out from 2008...
Book launch: Gerlinda Swillen, 'Der Zweite Weltkrieg ist unsere Wiege - Eine ostbelgische Geschichte (mit Zeitzeugenberichten von Wehrmachts- und GI-Kriegskindern)'
Der Zweite Weltkrieg ist unsere Wiege
[The World War II is our cradle – An East Belgian story with testimonies of...
Femmes & Guerre
This publication (which accompanied the exhibition at the National Archives...
De wieg van de Tweede Wereldoorlog (The Cradle of the Second World War)
In 2009 Gerlinda Swillen, as CegeSoma associate researcher, published ‘...