Armée Secrète.Zone V, secteur 5, Groupe D - Août 1944: cérémonie de prestation de Serment, Photo n° 27912 © CegeSoma/Archives de l'Etat

Project People@War. A social history of the Second War and its Remembrance in Belgium. (2020-2030)

People @ War. A social history of the Second World War and its Remembrance...

Gerard Romsee, gouverneur de la Province du Limburg (1940), secretaire-général des Affaires intérieures (1941-1944), 1942-1943 - Photo n° 32716, droits réservésn rechten.

New research project: The provincial administration of Limburg during the Second World War. (2020-2021)

The recent appearances of the Antwerp provincial governor Cathy Berx, in an effort to help...

1918-2018. Quatre ans de guerre, cent ans d'impacts. (Le Vif - Hors-série).

1918-2018. Quatre ans de guerre, cent ans d'impacts.

November 1918. Finally, the guns fell silent. Yet, it was not possible to...

Fighting Hunger, Dealing with Shortage. Everyday Life under Occupation in World War II: A Source Edition

Shortage and hunger in occupied Europe

World War II and the resulting occupation by Nazi Germany are inextricably...

Femmes en colonie

Women in the Colony (2008-2011)

The aim of the project "Women in the Colony" which was carried out from 2008...

De l’avant à l’après-guerre. L'extrême droite en Belgique francophone.

De l’avant à l’après-guerre.

November 24, 1991. Shockwaves are sent reverberating through Wallonia. Today...


Henri Storck, le cinéma belge et l'Occupation

In August 2006, a controversy broke loose in the Francophone media in...

De wieg van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Oorlogskinderen op de as Brussel-Berlijn.

De wieg van de Tweede Wereldoorlog (The Cradle of the Second World War)

In 2009 Gerlinda Swillen, as CegeSoma associate researcher, published ‘...


Warfare & Welfare.

Wars are moments of acceleration in the development of social policy. After...

War in short pants, 14-18.

War in Short Pants, 14-18

The exhibition "War in Short Pants, 14-18" is the fruit of a collaboration between CegeSoma and...