Publication Les enfants de la répression (Children of Repression) This book is the result of years of research by ...
Publication Was Grandpa a Nazi? Staff members from the State Archives / CegeSoma have made an essential contribution to this...
Projet BRAIN project POSTWAREX started (2020-2022) A couple of weeks ago, the new research project POSTWAREX was started. This...
Publication Onverwerkt verleden The publication of Onverwerkt verleden in 1991 was the starting point of the...
Publication La Belgique et la persécution des Juifs What was the responsibility of the Belgian authorities in the persecution of...
Publication La Belgique docile In January 2003, the Belgian Senate adopted a resolution entrusting CegeSoma...
Event “Oorlogscafés”: Collaboration and repression in Flanders On 24 November, Koen Aerts ( UGent /State...
Event Interférences : Radios, collaborations et répressions en Belgique (1939-1949) Conference-debate (in French) with Céline Rase (UNamur) as guest speaker. A discussion led by Jean-...
Event Regards d'historiens (Historians' viewpoints) Three years ago, Koen Aerts (who in the meantime became a member of CegeSoma...
Publication Transitional Justice and Memory in Europe (1945-2013) At the end of February 2014, the book Transitional Justice and Memory in...
Publication Ressources et usages des archives de la justice militaire (Resources and Uses of Military Justice Archives) Military jurisdictions in peacetime were abolished in Belgium in January...
Publication Mayoral Collaboration under Nazi Occupation in Belgium, the Netherlands and France 1938-46 This international comparison between Belgium, the Netherlands and the north of France ( Nord/...