
Henri Storck, le cinéma belge et l'Occupation

In August 2006, a controversy broke loose in the Francophone media in...


Ils ont pris les armes pour Hitler

The fruit of a research conducted in 2003 on behalf of CEGES thanks to the...

Van Den Haag tot Genève : België en het internationale oorlogsrecht (1874-1950)

Van Den Haag tot Genève : België en het internationale oorlogsrecht (1874-1950)

The study sheds light on the Belgian relations with the law of war from 1874...


Belges en guerre

Throughout its history, Belgium has been involved in various armed conflicts...


Justice in Wartime and Revolutions. Europe, 1795-1950

Revolutions, wars and their settlement put pressure on legal systems....

Transitional Justice and Memory in Europe (1945-2013).

Transitional Justice and Memory in Europe (1945-2013)

At the end of February 2014, the book Transitional Justice and Memory in...

Un maquis dans les cités. La Résistance à Watermael-Boitsfort, 1940-1945.

Un maquis dans les cités (A maquis in the Cities)

In this posthumous publication, André Dartevelle uses his talent as a historian and journalist...

Ressources et usages des archives de la justice militaire

Ressources et usages des archives de la justice militaire (Resources and Uses of Military Justice Archives)

Military jurisdictions in peacetime were abolished in Belgium in January...

L'image d'archives. Une image en devenir.

L'image d'archives

So-called archive images have invaded our visual culture, through cinema and...

De wieg van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Oorlogskinderen op de as Brussel-Berlijn.

De wieg van de Tweede Wereldoorlog (The Cradle of the Second World War)

In 2009 Gerlinda Swillen, as CegeSoma associate researcher, published ‘...


Mayoral Collaboration under Nazi Occupation in Belgium, the Netherlands and France 1938-46

This international comparison between Belgium, the Netherlands and the north of France ( Nord/...


Warfare & Welfare.

Wars are moments of acceleration in the development of social policy. After...
