The press during the two world wars
1. The main archival fonds kept at CegeSoma and elsewhere :
The Belgian Warpress website will give you information on clandestine and censored press in Belgium during the two world wars.
It will also allow you to consult directly:- All the censored and clandestine press for the First World War
- Only the underground press for the Second World War (due to copyright legislation). The censored press is available in the reading room of CegeSoma.
- Many newspapers are also available at the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) and can be consulted online via Belgica Press.
- Many newspapers also have their own archive services.
- Press organs linked to a specific party or movement are generally found in the archives that concern them.
- De Oorlogskranten and Les Journaux de Guerre are also interesting sources.
- To consult the archives related to the lawsuits against the publisher-owners and employees of these newspapers after the Second World War, please contact the National Archives 2 - Joseph Cuvelier repository via agr_ar_2@arch.be.
2. Where can I find additional information on the subject?
- DE BENS Els, De belgische dagbladpers onder duitse censuur 1940-1944, Nederlandsche Boekhandel, Antwerpen/Utrecht, 1973.
- DIOUDONNAT Pierre-Marie, L'argent nazi à la conquête de la presse française (1940-1944), Jean Picollec, Paris, 1981.
KOSZYK, KURT, Deutsche Presse 1914-1945, Geschichte der deutschen Presse Teil 14, Colloquium Verlag, Berlin, 1972.
If you are planning to visit our reading room, please prepare your visit well in advance.If you need further information, please contact us by email: cegesoma@arch.be.