Archives of broadcasts "Jours de guerre" - RTBF
Access and consultation : The interviews transcriptions from the broadcasts "Jours de Guerre" (Radio and TV) and the TV broadcasts are available in the CegeSoma reading room. All contents are freely available for consultation. The radio broadcasts are available on demand at the Sonuma. Reproduction : The interviews transcriptions from the broadcasts "Jours de Guerre" (Radio and TV) can be reproduced on demand at the CegeSoma. The TV and Radio broadcasts can be reproduced on demand at Sonuma. Instruments de recherche : 1) Inventory of the interviews transcriptions from the TV broadcast 2) List of additions, corrections and missing files in the TV programme archive inventory 3) Inventory of the interviews transcriptions from the radio broadcast 4) Inventory of the TV broadcast 5) Inventory of the radio broadcast.
Collection description :
Collection 'Jours de Guerre' de l'émission de télé
It was in 1988 that the project to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Second World War was launched within the RTBF teams, led by Jacques Cogniaux, the historian of the channel at the time. It was in the form of the radio and television programme "Days of War" that this project was taking shape. Presented by Jean-Jacques Jespers, the monthly magazine decided to tell the story of the 2,194 days of the war for more than five years (from 1989 to 1995). Combining interviews with witnesses (more than 700 people), filmed archives and reconstructions or evocations, the programme covered subjects as varied as military events, resistance, collaboration, collaboration, deportation, occupation, bombings, daily life, political, diplomatic, social and economic aspects of the conflict, etc.
This series has undoubtedly left its mark on the Belgian audiovisual landscape by pioneering historical programmes broadcast on the French-speaking public service, but it has also made it possible to advance historiography on the Second World War in Belgium by mobilising colossal historical research for its production and was the first major popularisation undertaking on this subject. Several CegeSoma historians have been involved in this project.
Each episode was broadcasted only once on television and could never be re-released or rebroadcast on RTBF or other channels. The material used for the design of the episodes, some of which remained unpublished, was donated to CegeSoma. Its conservation has enabled certain documents to be reused in other media, such as the "Modus Operandi" documentary by Hugues Lanneau (http://www.film-modusoperandi.be/). Some excerpts from the program, including interviews with witnesses, are also available on the website https://www.belgiumwwii.be .