The Marcel De Waele archives
- Access and consultation : The collection can be consulted in digital form on the computers of the reading room of via Pallas. Its content is freely available.
- Reproduction : The content of the collection may not be freely reproduced in the reading room. For any reproduction request by the CegeSoma teams, practical information is available here.
- Research tools : Inventory AA2366
Collection description :
In September 2011, Marcel De Waele donated his collection of photographic archives to CegeSoma. This collection includes images of his stay in Africa between 1945 and 1960. Initially a deputy territorial administrator in Djugu for two years, he then became the assistant of the Faradje territory from 1947 to 1949, and later served as chief administrator for the same territory until 1951. Subsequently, he ended his career in the Congo as the Bureau Chief of the “Provincial Service for Indigenous Affairs and Workforce” (AIMO) in Stanleyville.
The Marcel De Waele archives include photos of daily life with his spouse, images of the lives of indigenous peoples, and images of various official visits to the Congo.
For more information :
- Anne Cornet & Florence Gillet, Congo-Belgique, 1955-1965. Entre propagande et réalité, Renaissance du livre, Bruxelles, 2010.
- Anne Roekens, Des clichés révélateurs : l'intérêt des photos amateurs pour l'écriture de l'histoire, dans Cahiers d'Histoire du Temps Présent, n°20, CegeSoma, Bruxelles, 2008, p. 267-280.