My commune during the war (1940-1945)
1. The main archival fonds kept at CegeSoma and elsewhere :
If you are looking for information about your commune during the war, we advise you to:
- enter the name of your commune as a keyword in Pallas and select different results (e.g. photographies, books or archives).
- consult the archives of your commune.
- look for provincial archives kept at the repositories of the State Archives in the provinces.
- read the short guide (in French) to local historical sources produced by Fabrice Maerten: 'De la Libération à la Victoire, l’histoire locale revisitée'.
2. Where to find additional information?
- WOUTERS Nico, Oorlogsburgemeesters 40/44 : lokaal bestuur en collaboratie in België, Lannoo, Tielt, 2004.
- MAERTEN Fabrice et COLIGNON, Alain, La Wallonie sous l'occupation 1940-1945, CEGESOMA/La Renaissance du Livre, Bruxelles-Waterloo, 2012.
- BRONZWAER Paul, Maastricht en Luik bezet : een comparatief onderzoek naar vijf aspecten van de Duitse bezetting van Maastricht en Luik tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog, Verloren, Hilversum, 2010.
- TRIFFAUX Jean-Marie, Arlon 1939-1945 : de la mobilisation à la répression, Arlon, 1994.
If you plan to visit our reading room, please prepare your visit well in advance.If you need further information, please contact us by email: cegesoma@arch.be.