Maurice De Wilde's broadcasts (VRT)
- Access and consultation : Digital copies of interview transcripts from BRT broadcasts are available on request in the reading room; consultation requires prior written consent from VRT, unless justified for scientific research purposes.
- Reproduction : CegeSoma cannot supply reproductions of BRT's TV programs on collaboration and resistance, nor transcripts of interviews conducted in this context.
- Research tool : List of transcriptions of interviews
Collection description :
Research collection on Belgium during the Second World War compiled by BRT TV broadcasts and archives of the production unit
In 1982, the BRT journalist (now VRT) Maurice De Wilde presented his first historical broadcast on the collaboration in Belgium between 1940 and 1945: De Nieuwe Orde (The New Order). This show is part of a vision of historical popularization launched by the Dutch-language public channel between 1973 and 1991 with the broadcasting of a large series of documentaries (120 episodes in total) on the Second World War initiated by the Productiekern Wereldoorlog II unit (Second World War production core).
De Nieuwe Orde was aired in 18 episodes between February 1982 and April 1983. With his methods as an investigative journalist, De Wilde interviewed more than 300 people, including many collaborators such as Léon Degrelle and Jef van de Wiele. Giving this type of character a voice, and the uncompromising way in which interviews were conducted, made both the controversy and the success of the program.
De Wilde did not hesitate to push his interlocutors. The journalist conducted long interviews, off-camera, during which his witnesses confided more easily. De Nieuwe Orde generated a lot of commentary on topics he dealt with, not being afraid to tackle taboo themes, such as the role of King Leopold III during the conflict.
De Wilde subsequently produced other programs dealing with the Second World War and in particular with collaboration. The documentation work he carried out, as well as the promotion of historical subjects that are often ignored, earned him great recognition and numerous television awards.
For more information :
- Vanden Daelen, Veerle, Maurice de Wilde in BelgiumWWII
- Vanden Daelen Veerle, Loe de Jong en Maurice De Wilde, Twee Oorlogsmonumenten, Bijdragen tot de Eigentijdse Geschiedenis - nr 22 - 2010.