Hans Boers
Hans Boers (°1985) graduated in contemporary history from the University of Antwerp. His master’s thesis analysed the works of the Liège historian and intellectual Léon-Ernest Halkin (1906-1998). He then studied applied linguistics (French-English) at the Lessius Hogeschool in Antwerp.
In 2009, he was hired at CegeSoma as an assistant for the department "Scientific Activities and Publications".
From December 2010 to September 2013, he was assistant coordinator of the European Holocaust Infrastructure Research (EHRI) project.
From October 2013, he was responsible for the final drafting of 'Oorlogskranten 1914-1918' and 'De Oorlogskranten. Het interbellum 1918-1940', a collaboration between Cegesoma and the London publisher Albertas Limited.
He left CegeSoma on October 31, 2016.
He is notably the author of :
- (with Pieter Serrien & Karel Strobbe), Van onze jongens geen nieuws. De dwaaltocht van 300.000 Belgische rekruten aan het begin van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, Antwerp, Manteau, 2015, 357 p.
- (with Jelena Dobbels et Ingrid Leonard),"Verhalen sprokkelen langs de frontlijn. Een kritische blik op Ten Oorlog" , in BMGN. Low Countries Historical Review, vol. 130, 2015, n°1, p. 107-119.