Bruno Benvindo

Bruno Benvindo (°1980) studied history at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the Universida de Nova, Lisbon. He holds a degree in contemporary history and a postgraduate diploma in ‘History, culture and societies’. He was a researcher at ULB from 2003 until 2007 and his work focused on the interaction between gender, war and power in the 20th century.
He joined Cegesoma on 1 January 2018 and worked on a diverse range of research projects including: ‘L’activité cinématographique d’Henri Storck pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale’; Brussels war Experience 1914-1918’ (conceptualisation, elaboration and display of a historical and didactic website about Brussels during the First World War); ‘La Grande Guerre en culottes courtes’ (an exhibition about children during the First World War, which was held in Ghent from October 2016 to April 2017). He also successfully applied for funding from the Belgium American Educational Foundation for complementary research on the project ‘La Grande Guerre en culottes courtes’ in both Belgium and America.
He left CegeSoma mid-January 2017.