Archives of section 0.K.90. (Liège) of the intelligence network Zéro.
- Access: The fonds of section 0.K.90 (Liège) of the intelligence network “Zéro” can be freely accessed during the opening hours of the reading room. Reservation.
- Reproduction: The content of the fonds may be freely reproduced in the reading room. Practical information for requesting a reproduction by CegeSoma personnel can be found here.
- Finding aids: Inventory AA1678
Fonds description :
Archives of section 0.K.90. (Liège) of the intelligence network Zéro.
These archives originate from René Duchamps, an agent of the intelligence network Zéro, and can be considered as a complement to the fonds AA1137. They contain, for example, files about persons mentioned in this inventory. The archives mainly cover the period after the Liberation of September 1944, with a few exceptions, and bear for the most part on the liquidation of the network. Some of the principal members of the network were recruited by the State Security after the Liberation with the mission to collect military and political intelligence and to liquidate the network, that is to say to identify former agents and provide material aid to some of them. René Duchamps was among those who were recruited.
For more information :
- Balace, Francis. "Aspects de la résistance en province de Liège". In La mémoire. Liège : Province de Liège, 1994, p. 75-101.
- Masson, Henri. Service de renseignement et d'action dans la région liégeoise : Réseau Zéro, Service D et Groupe G. Bruxelles : CREHSGM, 1996 (inventaire).
- Dujardin, Jean. " Le Service « D » et l’aide aux illégaux". In Cahiers d’Histoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, n°3,octobre 1974, p. 9-47.
- Van Crombrugge, Yaëlle. Les espions Zéro dans l’ombre du pouvoir 1940-1944. Bruxelles : Racine, 2013.
- Debruyne, Emmanuel. La guerre secrète des espions belges 1940-1944. Bruxelles : Racine, 2008.