Archives of Jacques Delvaux De Fenffe
- Access and consultation: The fonds Jacques Delvaux can be accessed during the opening hours of the reading room. Its content is freely accessible. Reservation.
- Reproduction: The content of the fonds can be reproduced freely in our reading room. For any information about requests for a document reproduction carried out by CegeSoma staff can be found here.
- Research instruments: Inventories AA669, AA2203
Archive fonds description :
Archives of ambassador Jacques Delvaux de Fenffe : corr., notes, telexes, texts, clipp., 1920-1961 (mainly 1938-59). - 100 folders in vol.: dact., ms., impr.
The archive fonds Jacques Delvaux de Fenffe comprises documents about Belgian domestic and foreign policy until 1945, but also documents about the post-war period and private papers of this politician.
Jacques Delvaux de Fenffe was a war volunteer in 1914-1918. He then started a diplomatic career in which he rapidly got promoted to higher offices: Before 1940, he got appointed in Paris. After the Second World War, he became ambassador in China and Portugal successively. In the late 1950s, he rounded off his career as Director-General for Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
For more information :
- Jean-François Crombois, Camille Gutt et le gouvernement de Londres: aspects politiques, économiques et financiers de la participation belge à la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1998.
Fernand Vanlangenhove, La Belgique et ses garants, l’été 1940: contribution à l’histoire de la politique extérieure de la Belgique pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Bruxelles, Palais des Académies, coll.« Académie royale de Belgique », 1972.