
The MADDLAIN project (2015-2017)

The results of the MADDLAIN project

After two years, the MADDLAIN project has come to an end....


UGESCO (2017-2019)

High-quality Metadata for a Better Exploration of Digitized Collections

One of the...

Les ombres de la Guerre froide en Belgique

Qui a tué Julien Lahaut?

A political murder

On August 11, 1950, the cry...


Congo-Belgique 1955-1965

This book suggests approaching the period of transition from the colonial Congo to an...

The Children of Save. Stolen or Saved ?

The Children of Save (2010-2012)

At the eve of the decolonisation of the Belgian colonial...

Femmes en colonie

Women in the Colony (2008-2011)

The aim of the project "Women in the Colony" which was carried out from 2008...


Les mots de la Justice [The Words of Justice]

Lawyer, legal assistant, conciliation, standards, neutrality, recidivism,...

Tweehonderd jaar justitie. Historische encyclopedie van de Belgische justitie / Deux siècles de justice. Encyclopédie historique de la justice belge

Tweehonderd jaar justitie. Historische encyclopedie van de Belgische justitie / Deux siècles de justice. Encyclopédie historique de la justice belge

At the time of the Dutroux affair, an easy slogan was that Belgian justice...

Non pas un pouvoir illusoire. Ontstaan, rol en (on) macht van het Belgische Rekenhof (1814-1939).

Non pas un pouvoir illusoire

Geert Leloup (former scientific collaborator of the General Archives of the...


First review of some ongoing research projects at CegeSoma (2020)

On Monday October 19th, a number of scientists from the permanent team as...


Inventory of the Jacques Wynants archives published!

Notwithstanding the vicissitudes of life, scores of human beings show a...

The State Archives meet the Universities on the Theme of Digitisation

The State Archives meet the Universities on the Theme of Digitisation (2018)

Since 2015, the State Archives have begun a process of reflection on the...

Sources pour l'histoire des populations juives et du judaïsme en Belgique. XIXe - XXIe siècles.

Sources pour l'histoire des populations juives et du judaïsme en Belgique

Scattered sources on the history of the Jews of Belgium .......

Journaux de Guerre 1939-1945 -  Les débuts de la Guerre Froide (France)

Journaux de Guerre 1939-1945 - Les débuts de la Guerre Froide (France)

After the success of the series about both World Wars and the Interwar period, the series...

Journaux de Guerre (War Press) 1919-1939 (Belgium & France)

Journaux de Guerre (War Press) 1919-1939 (Belgium & France)

After the success of the “Journaux de Guerre 1914-1918”, the series continued with 21 issues...

De l’avant à l’après-guerre. L'extrême droite en Belgique francophone.

De l’avant à l’après-guerre.

November 24, 1991. Shockwaves are sent reverberating through Wallonia. Today...
