The Michel De Bremaecker archives
- Access and consultation : The collection can be consulted in digital form on the computers of the reading room of via Pallas. Its content is freely available.
- Reproduction : The content of the collection may not be freely reproduced in the reading room. For any reproduction request by the CegeSoma teams, practical information is available here.
Collection description :
Michel De Bremaecker donated his father’s (Eugène De Bremaecker’s) photo collection to CegeSoma in 2005. A Belgian statuary sculptor and medal maker born in Brussels in 1879, the latter died in Ixelles in 1963. Apart from his work as a sculptor, he was also passionate about photography. His photographs, which testify to a life in trenches and at the rear front between 1914 and 1918, constitute one of the biggest collections on the First World War kept by CegeSoma.
For more information :
- Bruno Benvindo & Chantal Kesteloot, Bruxelles, ville occupée, 1914-1918, Bruxelles, La Renaissance du Livre, 2016
- Sophie De Schaepdrijver, De Groote Oorlog - Het Koninkrijk België tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog, Antwerpen - Amsterdam, Atlas, 1997
- Sophie De Schaepdrijver, La Belgique et la Première Guerre mondiale, Bruxelles, Pieter Lang, 2004
- Annette Becker, Les cicatrices rouges 14-18. France et Belgique occupées, Paris, Fayard, 2010.
- Bruno De Wever, La Première Guerre mondiale, sur BelgiumWWII