Young Historian's Day - Promotion of 2022

Since 2006, CegeSoma organizes a meeting where young historians are given the floor. The aim is to let them share the findings of their master’s thesis with a wider public and to meet colleagues from other Belgian universities. On 27 April 2023, no less than 26 young graduates gathered in Brussels to share their research findings. They were selected based on the quality of their thesis and had to present the fruit of their research in ten minutes. Given the number of participants the schedule was quite tight. All have mastered this challenge with flying colours. Their original and high-quality presentations managed to captivate the audience. The ‘class of 2022’ will enter the annals of this event.

Our colleagues specialized in both World Wars, the Cold War and Colonization oversaw the conference and acted as hosts: Céline Rase, Guy Vanthemsche, Alain Colignon, Widukind De Ridder, Koen Aerts and Michael Auwers.

Below you will find the abstracts of the different presentations held and the programme of the day. If you are interested in a subject in particular, do not hesitate to contact us, we would be pleased to transmit your request to the young historian in question.

First topic: Front, occupation & society (session hosted by Alain Colignon and Widukind De Ridder)

Second topic: Memories & representations (session hosted by Michael Auwers)

Third topic: Collaboration, wake of the war & repression (session hosted by Céline Rase and Koen Aerts)

Fourth topic: Colonizers & colonized people (session hosted by Guy Vanthemsche)