Young Historian's Day- Promotions of 2020-2021

On 5 and 6 May 2022, over thirty recently graduated students from all Belgian universities and selected for the quality of their dissertations have presented the fruit of their research. Colleagues specialised in the two World Wars and the Cold War, Michèle Corthals, Fabrice Maerten, Alain Colignon, Andreas Stynen, Chantal Kesteloot, Nico Wouters, Geneviève Warland and Michael Auwers have hosted the debates following the presentations and organised these two study days.
This year were were particularly impressed by the quality of the presentations, the ability to summarise and the great fluency in the communications of these fresh graduates.
Rather than drawing up an incomplete abstract of these two particulalry enriching days, we propose here the full program and the abstracts of the papers.

Thursday 5 May was dedicated to the following topics: ‘Networks at the heart of the Resistance’, ‘Women and engagement’, ‘Occupations, soieties and identities’.

On Friday 6 May, these topics were addresed: ‘Representations and perceptions’, ‘Belgium beyond border’ and ‘Tshe Cold War’.