Results of the ADOCHS project
The ADOCHS closing day was held online, on September 14, 2021, almost five years after the project was initiated.
More than a hundred participants - researchers, digitization operators, digital policy makers in heritage institutions, archivists and collection curators, working in Belgium, France, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands - had the opportunity to discover the results of this project led by the CegeSoma (OD4 - State Archives), in collaboration with the KBR (the Royal Library of Belgium), the VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and the ULB (Université libre de Bruxelles). This study day [link: http://adochs.be/idpchsset out to explore the notion of quality in the context of digitization of collections, but also to reflect on the perspectives offered by the use of artificial intelligence in archives and libraries.
In the morning, researchers and project partners presented the results, conclusions and follow-up of this multidisciplinary project - from information sciences to computational mathematics. This was an opportunity for CegeSoma researcher Chloé Brault to announce the publication of the Digitization & Quality Guide, which can be freely downloaded from the CegeSoma website.
Beyond the contributions of the research project, this study day was resolutely turned towards the future and focused on the evolution of libraries, archives and museums through the lens of artificial intelligence. The afternoon program allowed for this, with rich exchanges and contributions from various backgrounds, from the Bibliothèque nationale de France to the KNAW Humanities Cluster in Amsterdam, as well as the Central European Institute of Technology in Brno.
Good to know : The presentation materials are to be found on the project's website, which will soon host the video recordings of the day as well (to be posted on September 30).