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JBH : new publication (2024/3-4)

Cold War theme issue

JBH : new publication (2024/3-4). Cold War theme issue.

The new double issue (No. 3-4) of the Journal of Belgian History is a thematic publication on the Cold War in Belgium, with guest editors Michael Auwers (CegeSoma/State Archives) and Widukind De Ridder (KU Leuven; CegeSoma/State Archives), a further step in the development of Cold War research at CegeSoma.

Next to a historiographical introduction, the issue includes eight articles.

Giles Scott-Smith (University of Leiden, Netherlands) places the Belgian case in an international framework, Thomas Briamont (University of Liège) presents his research on the role of the Communist Party of Belgium in commercial relations between East and West, doctoral researcher Manuel Herrera Crespo (KADOC-KU Leuven) writes an article on Belgian-Romanian relations from 1984 to 1990, Anse De Weerdt (UAntwerpen) looks at Belgian poet and journalist Yvonne Sterk and her role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and Jan van der Fraenen (War Heritage Institute) explores Belgian-German relations in the Belgian zone of occupation in West Germany from 1945 to 1955. Guest editor Michael Auwers also authors an article on the reaction of the local press in the Kempen region to the arrival of British military bases, then Idesbald Goddeeris (KU Leuven) presents his new research, based on the archives of Polish communist intelligence. The final article by guest editors Widukind De Ridder, Dirk Luyten (CegeSoma/State Archives) and Bart Kerremans (KU Leuven) is part of the FED-tWIN project BELCOWAR and examines the impact of export restrictions by the USA on Belgium's trade with Eastern Europe. Finally, this issue also contains a detailed review section with discussions of the latest publications on contemporary Belgian history.

This issue is for sale at €25.00 (excluding postage) and can be ordered from Hilde Keppens, CegeSoma, Aviation Square 29, 1070 Brussels, +32 2/556 92 11 - hilde.keppens@arch.be.