Publication CegeSoma Annual Reports If you would like an annual overview of the activities, publications,...
Publication Bulletin du Ceges '30-'50 - Bulletin du CegeSoma '30-'50 From June 1969 until 2015, CegeSoma published its Newsletter "Bulletin du Ceges '30-'50", which...
Publication Journal of Belgian History The Belgian Journal of Contemporary History (JBH) is the leading illustrated...
Publication Bruxelles, ville libérée (1944-1945) In the evening of 3 September 1944, Brussels is a liberated city....
Publication La Wallonie dans la Grande Guerre 1914-1918. The « Great War » from a different perspective Based on mostly unpublished...
Publication La Wallonie libérée, 1944-1945. Based on a careful selection of little known photos, selected for their...
Publication Journaux de Guerre 1914-1918 (France) Following the “Journaux de Guerre 1914-1918” (in French) and the “...
Publication Bruxelles, la mémoire et la guerre (1914-2014) Nobody of good Brussels stock will dispute this: the memory of the "Great...
Publication La Prévoyance sociale This illustrated book recounts (in French) the construction of the Art...
Publication De overlevenden In this book, historians Antoon Vrints and Martin Schoups (Ghent University) investigate the...