Publication Belges en guerre Throughout its history, Belgium has been involved in various armed conflicts...
Publication Justice in Wartime and Revolutions. Europe, 1795-1950 Revolutions, wars and their settlement put pressure on legal systems....
Publication Transitional Justice and Memory in Europe (1945-2013) At the end of February 2014, the book Transitional Justice and Memory in...
Publication Un maquis dans les cités (A maquis in the Cities) In this posthumous publication, André Dartevelle uses his talent as a historian and journalist...
Publication Ressources et usages des archives de la justice militaire (Resources and Uses of Military Justice Archives) Military jurisdictions in peacetime were abolished in Belgium in January...
Publication L'image d'archives So-called archive images have invaded our visual culture, through cinema and...
Publication De wieg van de Tweede Wereldoorlog (The Cradle of the Second World War) In 2009 Gerlinda Swillen, as CegeSoma associate researcher, published ‘...
Publication Mayoral Collaboration under Nazi Occupation in Belgium, the Netherlands and France 1938-46 This international comparison between Belgium, the Netherlands and the north of France ( Nord/...
Publication Warfare & Welfare. Wars are moments of acceleration in the development of social policy. After...
Publication Hendrik De Man. Een man met een plan. De Man was and remains a controversial figure: socialist and collaborator during the Second...
Publication Drang naar het Oosten In recent decades, many books and articles about Flemish volunteers on the Eastern Front have...
Publication La valise oubliée (The Forgotten Suitcase) Coming after the "children of the collaboration", made very fashionable by the Flemish television...